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Colonels Queen Bee

1994 red dun mare by One Big Hotrodder (Colonel Hotrodder x Rondo Leo daughter) out of a double bred Jackie Bee bred mare
RIP…May 17, 1994 – October 31, 2011
She stood 15.3 and was a big horse, but still showed plenty of athletic ability and speed.
She was a typical ranch horse since we got her in 1997 and was also used some on speed events.
All her colts received her wonderful temperament, her cowing ability and spee



Maudie had a total of 7 foals for us. The first was a red dun filly by Two ID Sweet Jack and she broke an elbow and had to be put down. Then she had a palomino stud colt by Bimzan Red Buck who has done wonderful for some friends who bought him as a yearling. Then she had 4 red duns (3 stud colts and 1 filly) by Ciclone Socks, who have wonderful dispositions and were all tall. The last one she had was a dun filly by Drews Hancock. They’re all pictured below.


Drews Hancock is the sire of Drews Allieoop who was born in 2010. She is built like a tank. Inexperienced riders rode her when she was 4, so she has that great disposition that is required here at Ferguson Angus.


Ciclone Socks is a 1994 Palomino stud by PC Sun Socks, a son of Sun Frost, out of an Easy Jet, Laughing Bar Boy mare.

SV Gun Your Hotrod
March 30, 2006
SV Grace Bee Easy
April 15, 2003
SV Laughing Colonel
March 24, 2005
SV Ciclones Hotrod
April 10, 2002

Bimzan Red Buck
Sire of Walker


SV Zans Col Walker
April 9, 2001


Two ID Sweet Jack
Sire of Gracie


Bartenders Grace was Maudie’s first foal that we ended up losing in 2001 to a broken shoulder.
March 12, 1998


At the 2001 KWHA State Show, she finished 3rd in Reining and Flag Race and 4th in Half Eight.  In the team events, she and nephew Brice, were first in Pair Sack and the Western Relay team finished 4th.  It was a tough state show.  Lori & Maudie’s 3rd place finish in Flag Race was a 9.890…1st was 9.742, 2nd 9.742 and 4th 9.896.


May 11, 2007, Sarah rode in her first big barrel race.  It was in Logan at the Chassidy Breese Memorial Race.  She rode 3 horses and had a little tougher time with Maudie and Annie, but ended up 6th in the 2D on Krysler.


In 2006, she was rode at the KFQHRA horseshow in Plainville on July 22.  She won the Youth Ranch Reining and Youth Poles and got 3rd in Youth Barrels and the Halter Open 7 & older mares.
Our nephew Will is riding her here.

Here Maudie is in the branding pen.

Other show results
In 2002, I only rode her in one horseshow, but then was ridden by a friend of ours at the Kansas Omoksee on Jun 1-2, 2002 where she finish 5th overall in the Men’s division.  Due to Krysler bowing a tendon on August 17, 2002, she was used by me at the State Show that year in five events.  She placed in 3 of the 5…2nd in Reining and 4th in Speed Barrels and Keg Bending.
In 2004, she was ridden in only two FQHR horseshows due to a bad cut on her foot that happened on August 10…On June 3 in Hebron, NE, she finished 1st in Pole Bending, 2nd in Barrels and 4th in Ranch Reining.  My niece, who was 9 at the time, rode her in Walk Trot and they won the class.  In Plainville, KS on July 17, she was 3rd in Aged Mares and 11th in Ranch Pleasure ridden by a friend of mine.
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