Building Better Beef
R.I.P. May 21, 1984-November 19, 2010
Krysler was born in 1984 and more than proved herself in ranch work and in the arena.
Even though she was not registered, the pedigree is known.
She is a granddaughter of Three Chicks and a great granddaughter of Joak. She is also double bred Leo with King breeding on the bottom.
See her pedigree here
This picture of Krysler was taken in May, 2010 at the age of 26

This picture of Krysler was taken in May, 2010 at the age of 26

Krysler really helped my niece learn more about running the race events plus.
She competed in the Open Phillips County Horseshow on May 26, 2007 held for any and all kids 8-18 years old. She was the Champion of the 12-14 age group using three horses. Krysler was used in Bareback Horsemanship (1st) and the race events (Barrels 2nd, Figure 8 Stake 1st, and Flag Race (3rd). Buck was used in Horsemanship, Trail, and Reining, and Annie in Showmanship.

2004 Filly born March 28
Gabby by Buenos Doc Frost

2000 colt, Rudy, born March 27
by One Big Hotrodder

A dun stud colt was born March 29, 2002…Scamp.
By Ciclone Socks

Her 1996 colt, Maverick
born April 3 by Native Energy
She always worked very well for an inexperienced riders. She was retired the last about 3 years of her life, but still needed a job before completely retiring, so she was at a friend’s place down by Wichita teaching their son to ride from 2005-2006.
In her later years of life, she didn’t move as well as she used to, but had been a wonderful
horse over her life span and it was amazing how she still looked at 26…she earned her keep.

Sarah and Krysler July 2006
The following pictures were taken as a series during an event called Pair Sack.
Sarah and her friend really enjoyed doing this together.

Lori and Krysler won the saddle at the 1996 National Omoksee

Lori and Krysler at the 2002 National Omoksee held in Gillette, WY. Krysler was 18 years old in this picture.
Krysler won many belt buckles, a total of three saddles for Lori
and two saddles for our nephew, Brice.
She also holds the NSCA record in Keg Bending in the women’s age group 16-39 (won by Lori in 1996)…
She did hold it in the 12-15 (won in 1998 by our nephew), but that was broke in 2009.
She and her full sister, Cricket, were also ridden in the
record-breaking Western Relay team in 1997, which is now held my another team,
but we kept it in the Fort Bissell Saddle Club from Phillipsburg (the Jarvis family now holds it).
(see the link below that leads to the National Saddle Clubs Assoc. homepage).
In 2003, she was only used at the NBHA barrelraces by Lori
and she was also ridden by a friend’s daughter in the youth division.
Lori’s brother’s oldest boy, who was in 11 in 2003, rode her at a horseshow the end of May
and also helped get cattle in on her.
The last saddle won was on June 1-2, 2002 with Lori riding her. This was at the
Kansas Omoksee held at the Bit & Spur arena in Bentley, KS.
The dates for the National Omoksee in 2002 were July 14-19 and was held in Gillette, WY.
Lori rode Krysler again, but things didn’t go so well for the team at this Omoksee…
In their best event, one keg was just barely touched and it ended up tipping over so that resulted in a no time.
Otherwise, Lori and Krysler would’ve beaten their 1996 Keg record by 3/10ths of a second.
July 9-14 were the dates of the National O-Mok-See in the year 2000 held in Garden City, KS.
Our nephew rode both Cricket and Krysler and he won the saddle in the Men’s 16-39 age group.
Krysler was rode by Lori and she received the reserve championship in the Women’s 16-39 age group
with only 5 points separating her from the championship.
The other National Omoksee Lori and Brice attended was in 1998 in Helena, MT
and the pair did well at this one, too. Krysler was shared between the two riders…
Cricket did not make that trip.
In 2002, Lori was unable to ride her at the State Show due to a bowed tendon she received August 17, 2002.
She made it through a lot of years without any major injury, and fortunately with this one, it looked more like just tendonitis and not a full-fledged bowed tendon, so she was able to come back in 2003.
At the 2001 KWHA State Show, Krysler did well for both Lori and Brice.
Lori only rode her in six events and Brice received the Belt Buckle in the
Men’s age group for the overall high point award.