Building Better Beef
SV Grace Bee Easy
Colonels Queen Bee’s Red Dun filly born 4-15-03
Also registered with the FQHR (92.19% foundation).Colonels Queen Bee’s 2003
Congratulations Jeremy and Luciana Thrash
Grace has been amazing to own. She can do a great reining pattern and is actually my favorite
to ride in smaller areas where I need a horse that will really cut with a cow.
Amazing she can cut so well since she’s so tall.
She is really a great kids horse, too. A couple different kids who are both about 7 years old
cantered for the first time ever in October 2015 and she stopped right away when asked.
Needless to say, she got worn out since they found out that they loved going faster.

Grace (on left) and her dam, Maudie, ended up looking a lot alike.
Big difference is Grace is 16.1-1/2 hands and Maudie was 15.3.

The two pictures above were taken September 28, 2007.
Pictures below from the 2008 KWHA State Show where Grace finished 1st in Bareback Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, and Sr. Queen
and was 2nd in Reining

Bareback Horsemanship

Western Pleasure
Senior Queen photos below

After winning–received flower
donated by Curly Willow
On July 19, 2008 Sarah competed on Grace at the Gosper/Phelps County 4-H horseshow held in Elwood, NE. She received a blue in Horsemanship, Grand Champion in Western Pleasure and Trail, and Reserve Champion in Reining.
Annie and Buck were also used at this fair.
See each of their results on their individual pages. She also competed on her in Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, and Reining at her District 4-H horseshow held in June and received red ribbons in all three classes.

At the State KWHA horseshow held Labor Day weekend 2007, Grace finished 2nd in the 10-13 age group’s Horsemanship for our niece and 1st in Reining and 3rd in Western Pleasure for Lori in the Sr. Women’s class.
At a KFQHRA horseshow that Lori attended with her in Wakeeney in September, Grace finished 1st in Handy Ranch Horse, 2nd in Working Cow Horse, Ranch Reining, and 3-6 year old Mares, 3rd in Ranch Cutting, Ranch Pleasure, and Pole Bending, and 4th in Barrels. Barrels and poles is not something that she has been worked at and probably won’t just due to the other interests I have in cattle classes.

The picture above was taken in October 2007 of our niece and Grace.
You can see that Grace is perfectly happy with all of the attention she can get.
From here on is some history written at the time of the year it says. They’re still true today.
This girl is really a nice cow horse. She was used during the 2007 AI season extensively and she really started cutting well and started taking a real interest in the cattle work. It was very muddy at the AI site, but she showed a real heart when having to move through the deep areas, even sidepassing working a gate. She goes anywhere you point her, even into a deep water/mud hole.
The following picture was taken 6-3-06

Grace was used 3 of the 4 days weaning calves in 2006 and was tracking well and even was starting to show some cutting moves. Grace returned to the trainer in April 2006 since she had been laid off of for approximately 10 months due to having to have surgery.
She is turning out a lot like her brother, Scooter. She’s very smart and has a lot of ability for being a big horse
(she is standing almost 16.2). She’s quick and will just glide in a turn. She is also taking a liking to working cattle. She has a wonderful disposition and is a real joy to ride. My 11-year old niece has even been on her.
FQHR Horseshows
She attended her first FQHR horse show on July 22, 2006 where she was rode in a few events. She was rode in Amateur Ranch Pleasure and received 5th, Amateur Ranch Reining and received 5th, and Open Handy Ranch Horse plus shown in Conformation 3-6 year old mares. My nephew showed her in the conformation class and the judge told him he preferred a shorter horse. She received 5th in Conformation. In Handy Ranch Horse, the only place she hesitated was getting in the trailer without me, but she did put her front feet up in right away, but had to wait for instructions from me.
Other than that, she worked the gate well, drug the log with no hesitation, walked over the logs, did the mailbox great, and had no fear of the rope when the dummy was roped.

Stopping during the reining pattern
This picture was taken June 11, 2005

The following picture was taken June 2, 2004

As a baby, she loaded in a trailer, backed out of the trailer, lead, and tied all very easily.
A bridle path was clipped with loud cattle clippers for the first time
with no problems on March 18, 2004, and that was without even tying her up.
She’s very gentle and loves attention, too.
The following two pictures were taken 9-3-03

These pictures, both above and below, taken June 9, 2003

These pictures, both above and below, taken June 9, 2003